2025 Membership Rates
Individual: $865: One person
Dual: $1080: Two people living at the same address
Family: $1,300: Two people living at the same address and their legal dependents ages 22 and younger
Important Note!
When you are offered a membership at BST, you will be required to purchase stock in the club. The current stock price is $900.
The stock price will increase $100 each year in 2024 and 2025. All members are required to hold $1,000 in stock by 2025.
After you make your stock purchase, you will need to pay the annual dues for your membership category.
BST will purchase your stock from you at the appropriate amount when you close your membership.
Bolton Swim and Tennis currently has a waiting list for memberships. The average wait for a membership is four calendar years from the date on which a name is added to the list. Offers of membership are made in strict date order.
Membership and Guest FAQS
Current members should log in to Member Splash to make any changes to their membership information, register and pay for babysitters/houseguests, and buy guest credits. If you have any problems with the system please contact secretary@boltonswimandtennis.org
General Membership FAQs
Visit BST’s Membersplash site
Click join in the upper right corner and you will be asked to input your contact details
Pay the $35 non-refundable fee
Membership is limited by the Bolton Swim and Tennis legal charter set to 360 stockholders. The charter establishes an upper limit for stockholding members, and requests for memberships have greatly outpaced the ability to issue memberships.
No. All memberships are offered in the order of the waiting list. To ensure the integrity of this system, the waiting list is reviewed by the Membership Committee twice each year.
Most years, Bolton Swim and Tennis offers 12 memberships for the month of August. Like all memberships, these are offered in order to people on the membership waiting list.
Yes. Members enjoy unlimited use of the pool, playground, and tennis courts.
Use of the tennis courts does not require a reservation, but members with reservations have priority for use of the reserved court. Please login to your Member Splash account to make a reservation.
No. Membership at BST requires payment of dues in full.
On-street parking is generally available on the streets around BST. On weekdays, some parking is limited to two hours for all except Bolton Hill parking permit holders.
Guests FAQs
Yes, members are permitted to bring guests to BST. See below regarding guest fees and rules.
Guest fees are as follows:
Weekdays: $6/person
Weekends: $8/person
If you know you are bringing guests, you can log into Member Splash and pay for the guests in advance and the guards should be able to apply those to your account.
Alternatively, you can pay by credit card on the door, or add the charges to your account and bills will be issued monthly.
Monday thru Thursday: BST members may bring up to nine daily guests
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday: BST members may bring daily guests once during the three-day period. A maximum of two adult guests and their children or two children without their parents is allowed.
In all circumstances, members may bring the same guest no more than 10 times per month.
Houseguests can be registered for either 3-day or 7-day periods. Registration must be done in Member Splash in advance and members must sign in their guests at the front desk.
Houseguest fees are as follows:
3-day houseguests: $30 per individual / $50 per couple / $65 per family
7-day houseguests: $60 per individual / $100 per couple / $125 per family.
Please note: houseguest fees will not be prorated. BST's houseguest registration is done through Member Splash.
Membership Rules and By-Laws
The rules and regulations are for the protection and benefit of all members of and visitors to Bolton Swim and Tennis (BST). The rules and regulations assure safe and sanitary operation of the pool and other BST facilities.
The cooperation of BST members and visitors in abiding by these rules and regulations will afford pleasant relaxation and recreation for all concerned.
Members, their families, and guests are required to observe all rules and regulations and to obey the instructions of all BST employees.